List of Acronyms used in Scan to BIM

AcronymFull Form
2DTwo Dimensional
3DThree Dimensional
AECArchitecture, Engineering, and Construction
AIMAsset Information Model
ARAugmented Reality
As-BuiltFinal construction documents reflecting the actual built condition
BEPBIM Execution Plan
BIMBuilding Information Modeling
BMSBuilding Management System
BOSBuilding Operating System
BEP/BXPBIM Execution Plan
CADComputer-Aided Design
CDECommon Data Environment
CDMConstruction Design and Management
CMMSComputerized Maintenance Management System
COBieConstruction Operations Building Information Exchange
CSMConstruction Systems Management
DASDistributed Antenna System
DCMData Collection Method
DGSDigital Ground Survey
DLTDistributed Ledger Technology
DSMDesign Structure Matrix
DWGDrawing File (extension used by CAD software)
DXFDrawing Exchange Format
ECPElectronic Control Panel
EIAEnvironmental Impact Assessment
EIREmployer's Information Requirements
EPCEngineering, Procurement, and Construction
EVEarned Value
FEPFront End Planning
FMFacilities Management
FMMFacility Maintenance Management
GBXMLGreen Building XML (schema for sharing BIM data)
GDLGeometric Description Language
GISGeographic Information System
GMPGuaranteed Maximum Price
HBIMHistoric Building Information Modeling
HCIHuman-Computer Interaction
HDSHigh Definition Surveying
HVACHeating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning
IBAInformation-Based Architecture
IFCIndustry Foundation Classes
IFDInternational Framework for Dictionaries
IMInformation Management
IPIntellectual Property
ISOInternational Organization for Standardization
KMKnowledge Management
KPIKey Performance Indicator
LEEDLeadership in Energy and Environmental Design
LiDARLight Detection and Ranging
LODLevel of Detail/Development
MBSModel-Based Scheduling
MEPMechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing
MOMMinutes of Meeting
MRPMaterial Requirements Planning
NIBSNational Institute of Building Sciences
O&MOperations and Maintenance
OBDObject-Based Design
OIROrganizational Information Requirements
PASPublicly Available Specification
PDSProduct Data Sheet
PIMProject Information Model
PLCProgrammable Logic Controller
PLMProduct Lifecycle Management
PMOProject Management Office
POCPoint of Capture
PPEPersonal Protective Equipment
PPMProject Portfolio Management
PTCPoint Cloud to CAD
QAQuality Assurance
QA/QCQuality Assurance/Quality Control
QTOQuantity Takeoff
RCSReCap Scan
RFRadio Frequency
RFIRequest for Information
RFIDRadio Frequency Identification
RIBARoyal Institute of British Architects
ROIReturn on Investment
RVTRevit Project File (extension)
SFMStructure from Motion
SIInternational System of Units
SLAService Level Agreement
SLAMSimultaneous Localization and Mapping
SMPSite Management Plan
SOPStandard Operating Procedure
SPMScanning Project Management
TAITechnical Assistance and Innovation
TCOTotal Cost of Ownership
TISTechnical Information System
TLSTerrestrial Laser Scanning
UASUnmanned Aerial System
UAVUnmanned Aerial Vehicle
UCLUpper Control Limit
UOMUnit of Measure
VDCVirtual Design and Construction
VFXVisual Effects
VRVirtual Reality
VRMLVirtual Reality Modeling Language
WBSWork Breakdown Structure
WIPWork in Progress
XPExtreme Programming
XRExtended Reality
ZEBZero Energy Building

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